Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Almost two years in...finally happening.

Been quite a while; but for good reason.

The film is actually underway thanks to the good fellows of One Stuck Duck. A lot of changes have occurred to the original script but all for the better. I feel really good about where this thing is going and it's cool that others are sharing my interest in completing it. Anyway, on with updates.

The animatic is done. The sound design is currently underway as well as the music composition. The main characters are in different stages--King being set up and rigged for animation while the little Worker characters are being aesthetically polished. All this along with some incidental character design, the animatic breakdown, and some animation tests which will begin next week.

I'm now taking on the daunting task of developing the world where the characters will exist. I'll post more of that as I go but in the meantime, here are some final character designs along with some background line art and color tests.

Back with more soon!

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