Thursday, November 29, 2007

Off and running....well.....walking at a moderate pace anyway

So, this will be my place to document the production of a short film that I've been writing in my head for a couple of years but just "can't find the time" to actually work on. This blog will hopefully be that voice of guilt in my mind that forces me to just plow forward into the project. It's sure to be a long road; what, with my knack for procrastination and my A.D.D. regarding any "good ideas" I proclaim to have--but if I get myself started (hence, this blog) I'm sure momentum will take over and it will be self consuming until it's done.

I want to go ahead and post the first sketches I've done of the main character, around whom this story will revolve. They're probably nowhere near what the final design will be but they ARE that elusive start. I plan to write out a rough outline as I think of some visuals and hopefully a symbiotic relationship will occur between the words and images and magic will occur. Then boards, animatic, blah, blah, blah.